Breeding CKC reg'd dogs for 37 yrs
I Found a good sound intelligent working bloodline with my Airedales.
I have Grand Champion Show, French Ringsport Brevet, Schutzhund & Hunting in my lines. They are excellent at protecting my livestock yet still social and friendly to visitors. Cynthia Bloxom & Donald Hervieux
Call us today
You may have to click on photo below in the Side Show to see entire photo Enjoy!
Our Furbabies
Our Furbabies
About us: we live in the country, protect & help care for our owners livestock.
Teckla had her first litter at 4yrs. she is 23" 50lbs, .(below Teckla & her pups) Teddy at 2yrs 70lbs 25" is the proud father .(below left Teddy and pups)

Our pups learn at an early age to be nice to the livestock. They even help me feed them.
Tess (below right) with her first litter, she has had 3 litters, she is 24 1/2" and 70lbs. I bred her to CH Indus N Aerie a smaller male 2nd litter and kept Teckla and Sheena from that litter.

Below is Farley and Gord. Farley is one of Teckla & Teddys pups from Tecklas 1st litter pictured above left.

bloxomsregdairedales@mail.com by Cynthia Bloxom
Stud Service to approved bitches.
Puppies available occasionally.
412 Hwy 17 Walford, On. P0P-2E0
1080 Four Seasons Road
Severn Bridge, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 705-818-7820