Breeding CKC reg'd dogs for 37 yrs
I Found a good sound intelligent working bloodline with my Airedales.
I have Grand Champion Show, French Ringsport Brevet, Schutzhund & Hunting in my lines. They are excellent at protecting my livestock yet still social and friendly to visitors. Cynthia Bloxom & Donald Hervieux
Call us today
You may have to click on photo below in the Side Show to see entire photo Enjoy!
Our Furbabies
Our Furbabies

Hi my Airedales are a mix of Canadian, American & Swedish bloodlines. I desperately needed an all round dog to protect my livestock, yet not run off in the bush after predators. Well I got exactly that with my first Airedale Tess. She is almost human her thought process is amazing she solves problems.
She definitely got me hooked on Airedales. Her daughters Teckla & Sheena are the same.
My boy TJ s bloodline is from Teddy Bear from Frankenfaust Kennels breeder Frank Jarman.
My boy Rileys bloodline is from Greenfield Kennels breeder & handler Ernesto Laura.
My Boy TJ

We now have Daisy from breeder Robert Ludyka of Omemee
Bonita,Tampa (Sheenas daughters) & Mira (Tecklas daughter)

This well illustrated book has many photos of Airedales from all over the country & some imports from Germany & Canada doing search and rescue, German Schutzhund, French Ringsport, Wild Boar hunting, Bird hunting, Lion hunting, Coyote coursing with Greyhounds & Airedales, activities of the Airedale Terrier Club of America, Airedale stories& much more.

bloxomsregdairedales@mail.com by Cynthia Bloxom
Stud Service to approved bitches.
Puppies available occasionally.
412 Hwy 17 Walford, On. P0P-2E0
1080 Four Seasons Road
Severn Bridge, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 705-818-7820